
  Kotori no Mori (Forest for Birds): 16 August, 2020

Koji Nagahata

The entrance of the Kotori no Mori
mp3     WAV
Tit Alley (A walking course where tits frequently sing)
mp3     WAV

On an extremely hot day, only cicadas were singing so cheerfully and so loud. Only sounds of creatures other than cicadas I heard were cawing of crows in the distance.
While I recorded the soundscape, a bell of a temple near the forest was sounded.
When I was returning from the forest, I saw children with their father coming to fish for crawfish.
The monitoring post showed that the radiation level at the parking area was 0.116μSv/h. Incidentally, the radiation level at the recording site of the Tit Alley was 0.27μSv/h.

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